may, 2021
21may9:00 pmBlackmooreRecording Live9:00 pm

(Friday) 9:00 pm
Event Details
Blackmoore is a modern punk/alternative rock music four-piece band from Montgomery County, TX that takes influences from artists across all different genres including The Beatles, Green Day, Rage Against
Event Details
Blackmoore is a modern punk/alternative rock music four-piece band from Montgomery County, TX that takes influences from artists across all different genres including The Beatles, Green Day, Rage Against The Machine, and the Arctic Monkeys. We are all around the ages of 16 – 18 years old and all met at the same music school known as School of Rock. Our goal is to invent a new contemporary modern-day punk sound that blends all different elements of rock and pop music into something that audiences of all walks of life can relate to and appreciate. One way we hope to accomplish this is by having every member of the band be featured as a lead vocalist at least once on our upcoming record “The Glory Before Us.”
Tickets $15.00 21 years and up
Tickets $ 20.00 under 21 of age